By Anonymous - 21/01/2013 12:48 - United States - Baltimore

Today, after applying for a job at a tanning salon, I was told they don't hire "naturally tan" people. I'm black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 340
You deserved it 4 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would fight it, I don't think they can do that. But then again they sound really stupid. I don't know if you'd want to work for them anyways...


Whoever said this person deserved that is totally racist, stupid and it ignorant. And fyl you can get them in a lot of trouble that is racial discrimination I'm sure as you know, get them in shit they deserve it

So basically they just want white people which is racist and daft. Id slap them

Patrick1904 4

They didn't hire you because it's MLK day

Wow! No wonder the rest of the world thinks the US is sue happy. SO WHAT if the tanning salon said that. Would you rather have the job, OP, and have everyone think you got it because you're black or because you earned it? If everyone plays the race card then that demeans qualified blacks. If we sue every small business then those who open them and create jobs will stop and jobs will be lost. Start your own salon, hire whoever you want and drive them out of business. I run a small business with no employees. Why? Because the people on FML who run to a lawyer immediately; it costs them nothing to file suit and get a lawyer yet costs me thousands to defend my business. Personally, OP, I'd let it go and listen to reason. I'd rather face an overt racist than work for a covert one.

# 145 No one is entitled to a job. When hiring, one of the biggest factors to keep in mind is if they are qualified or not for the particular job that is open. If they don't meet the qualifications that are stated in the Job Description (no matter sex, age, race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, etc), then it is alright to tell them that you cannot hire them. As long as you give them a professional explanation. For example, "I'm sorry I cannot hire you because you don't meet the minimum qualifications of 5 years experience out in the field." An example of what not to say is, " I cannot hire you because you're blue" or "I know you meet the qualifications unlike the purple person over there, but since purple people always work harder than blue people, I'm going the purple person." What the salon said was very professionally inappropriate.

SeepingSarcasm 7

How dare you say Barney the Dinosaur is more hard working than the Smurfs? That is a preposterous accusation! No one is more hard working than thos little blue guys!

ErictheRed 5

The delivery was poor, but I think they just want someone that uses the product or is an artificial skin tanning enthusiast. I am "black" and have never used a tanning both or ever will voluntarily. When you hear someone talk about something, you want them to have done it themselves. YDI is still not the correct designation, but everyone is way to sensitive about racism. Save it for the real stuff.

A job and wages? That IS the real stuff!

hanymandy 6
skyeyez9 24

If they hired you: you can tell customers that before you started tanning there, you used to be a fair skinned irish redhead.

I don't wasn't to live on this planet anymore

SeepingSarcasm 7

Please don't leave! You sound so intelligent, this planet needs you! ^^that was sarcasm, now **** off.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

ROFLMAO!!! I always wanted to try that.