By lovehurts - 28/12/2009 20:41 - United States

Today, after breaking up with my girlfriend of two years over the phone, I got a knock on my door. It was my now ex-girlfriend who came to seek revenge by shooting me in the balls with a paintball gun at about a three-foot range. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 860
You deserved it 57 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

somepartsareme 0

Fake, you couldn't have balls, you broke up with her over the phone.

That's why you don't do it over the phone.


YDI, Shouldn't of broke up over the phone then. Even if you were scared to do it face to face, it's still the right thing to do and the mature way to do it. If she hurt you by doing it face to face, then press charges. But sense we don't know the reason he broke up with her, we can't really say that she's a bitch for what she did. If you can't handle the tears and being completely upset after you dump her, don't date then. Girls are bound to do that, because heartbreak ******* hurts. If you can't handle it the outcome, don't date or man up.

Woot! Finally a comment that makes sense! Everyone that thinks this woman is a psycho bitch is just mean. He dated her for two years then broke up with her over the phone?! She deserved to at least get it to her face, in which case she probably wouldnt have shot him in the balls with a paintgun. Sorry OP but with the info you gave us, YDI.

to all the pol who r sayin YDI it's not his fault his gfs a bitch

oh man u deserve it !! 2 years? u waisted her time she probably was hoping of marrying u. ur a dick for breaking up over the phone. YDI

valmont_fml 0

First: it's not really appropriate overall to break up with someone over the phone. That being said: To all the people who think he deserves it: since when is the appropriate reaction to a breakup (over the phone or otherwise) physical violence? Especially since it was clearly premeditated ("Okay, I'm pissed. I'm gonna grab my paintball gun, walk/drive/etc. over to his house, and shoot him in the balls.") Seriously, think of it this way: Suppose a woman breaks up with a man over the phone. He is really upset, so he goes to her house, and shoots her in the breasts with a paintball gun. If the OP deserves this, then so does the woman in the above example. It's a spiteful, cruel, illegal escalation of violence/action.

YoUr_ObSeSsIoN 0

Oh shit o.o ummmmm ouch. I would move -.-

dude ****** sew that bitch for assualt with a weapon, them she'll feel sorry , **** don't let her get away with that shit, **** there's alot of people in this world i ****** hate !!!

YDI for breaking up over the phone, especially after two years. However, she is a tad immature for reacting that way. The fault is on both parties

A tad immature? What happens if she knifes him? She becomes a tad rude?