By whooops - 15/08/2009 13:56 - United States

Today, after having a few beers at a bar, I gave my ticket to the valet to get my car. I tipped the man $2 and he gave me a huge smile and thanked me a lot as I left. I thought the guy was just really appreciative for those $2 until I got home and saw one of the $100 bills in my wallet was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 480
You deserved it 57 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hermyoni 0

FYl for losing the 100 dollars unexpectedly but on the other side think of it this way. That guy is probably going to go home and tell whomever *wife, girlfriend* about the generous person who left him such a nice tip. He probably thinks you genuinely meant to give it to him and I am sure that made his day. SO although it would suck being out 100 smackers you prob made some guy happy.

dinosaysrawr 0

Everyone else that the valet dealt with that night probably got awesome service. So even though you're out 100 bucks, at least a lot of people benefited from it. I'd say YDI. Next time try to be more organized.

you probably made that guys week.. consider it a good deed.. maybe he needed it and was able to pay rent this month.. everything happens for a reason.

DUI=YDI. Next time take the subway or bus home from the bar.

YDI. but think of it this way: the karma circle noted your impending impaired driving and cheapness. your due was losing $100. coulda been worse. you could have lost 200, or if you were really an asshole you could have hit someone/thing.

I agree with #49. Also, I'm not going to say you deserve it, because I don't know your life and situation, but you really shouldn't carry two hundred dollar bills in your wallet. You could've been mugged, forgot your wallet in your inebriated state, etc. I also agree with someone who said, "Consider it a good deed. Everything happens for a reason."

OMG it took me so long to get this fml LOL I’m so use to being canadian, that I thought the fml read ... Today, after having a few beers at a bar, I gave my ticket to the valet to get my car. I tipped the man a “toonie” and he gave me a huge smile and thanked me a lot as I left. I thought the guy was just really appreciative for the “toonie” until I got home and saw one of the $100 bills, which the valet had stolen from my wallet was gone. FML At first I was thinking 1. if this fml is real then all you need to do OP is go back and report the valet 2. why would anyone leave their wallet inside the car in plain sight with $100 bills inside of it before going into the bar. That would have been a ydi 3. why was the valet overly smiling at OP in the first place, if he didn’t steal the money until after he got the keys and tip from OP. It was such a wtf moment, but then after reading the comments I realized ooh op is american that explains it. Only a drunken american idiot could have confused $2 for $100, with their one coloured money and worthless 1$ bills.

this was discussed, they arent the same color anymore

lol!!! thats what you get for drinking too much, on another note what are you doing drinking and driving lol? Hope the cops didnt pull you over on the way home

sublime93 0

Similar happened today to me, I was sure i gave the cabby a 5$ bill, but i had given him a 10$ bill, so I refused the change. 5$ isnt as bad as 100$ of course, so FYL.