By CassafrasSss - 02/02/2017 07:00 - United States - Naperville

Today, after months of hard work, planning, and preparation, I held the reception for my first art show at a gallery. Nobody showed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 825
You deserved it 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As an art major, my heart breaks for you. Couldn't your family or friends or boy/girlfriend at least have had the decency to show up?

Marketing and Advertisement!!! It's awesome that you planned ahead and found a great venue... but if no one knows about it, no one will show up


That is hurtful as hell. I wish I'd known about it. If it was close, I'd had gone.

I genuinely feel bad for you. And Im really sorry that happened to you.

Cassie Griffith 3

OP here! Thanks for the sympathy. I especially appreciated the Pam Beesley comment! The gallery in question is out of state from where I live, hence I had no friends to invite. My sister and her family came bc they live there, as did the owner, her family, and a friend of the owner. They were all very sweet but it was massively disappointing. The owner was supposed to advertise but didn't bc she was distracted by another personal "thing." We had tons of fancy cheese and wine and fruit. Lesson learned; always do your own advertising and don't rely on others. Not all was lost though; I ended up selling over half my paintings during the day before the reception even began. I'm glad for the experience and now I know what to do next time. As for the comment disparaging the arts; I hope you never consume media, listen to music, use apps, wear clothes, look at signs and directories, use toiletries, eat packages foods, or even go inside buildings bc ALL of those things were designed or made by a creative.

Yeah, sometimes that happens. Once you get established, I swear it'll get better.

NadiG7 2

I'm sooo sorry to hear that. If you decide to have another Art show I will definitely show up... If you are in New York. If you have a Facebook or Instagram I will like to support you... (Not trying to sound like a creep). ❤