By gotitEVERYWHERE - 08/03/2010 22:40 - United States

Today, after puking all over the bathroom and my legs, I called my husband for sympathy. The first thing he says is "Did you cry?" and when I answered no, instead of wishing me better he quickly exclaimed "WHO'S MY BIG GIRL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 174
You deserved it 6 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caticaticati 3

F your life, your husband has a sense of humor and wanted to make you laugh when you were upset.


kolboi18 0

I wonder how she's like when she's on her period?

sourgirl101 28
sourgirl101 28

Goo goo ga joob. Damn wrong song!

you are a dumb, self absorbed bitch.

Jrook 0

lol snickerdoodles how do you like that, you're a bitch that ruins fml for some people, then you post a pretty picture and all of a sudden what you say makes sense figures

Exactly and furthermore she has it backasswards: Its her job to nurture him! He needs to divorce that twat fer real!!!

Maybe he's hinting that he may want you to give him a Roman Shower. Don't know what it is? GOOGLE IT!

Your husband is awesome. if you're seriously like "fml" because of this you're an idiot. He's a keeper and if you don't want him, I do. lol