By DocBastard - 17/12/2011 02:29 - United States

Today, after rocking my one-year old daughter for nearly two hours, she finally fell asleep. As I went to leave her room, I stubbed my toe. I now have a broken toe, a screaming child, and a wife who will be so proud that her daughter's first word is "FUCK!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 423
You deserved it 6 543

DocBastard tells us more.

Akai, the only people who say that are people who don't have kids. My 2 children are the most precious things in my world, and I've smiled more since my daughter was born than in all my previous years combined. I truly feel sorry for people who think like you.

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

You do seem to be in quite a jam. I would definitely call a toe-truck. Holy Shat it's Doc!!!

Remember those parrots that repeat what you say, small children are very much like them.


RainbowHeadache 2

It's an interesting story to tell her when she's older? I find it really difficult to stifle a cuss when I hurt myself that badly. Hope your toe feels better soon, Doc.

desireev 17

I know it's kinda creepy but you're the first person I've seen that is from Oklahoma as well!! Relieved to know I'm not the only Okie out there!

sammyjanette 17

At least you're a doctor and you can get that broken toe fixed up right away! On the rest though FYL.

Nope, he can't fix that toe himself even if he is "THE DOC." Doc's expertise is the pelvic region.

sammyjanette 17

I was just saying that the broken toe can be dealt with. I mean he's a doctor who undoubtedly knows other doctors who can sort him out. But, making his daughter's first word not be **** that's a bit harder to deal with! :)

Hahaha, you guys know that DocBastard is a trauma surgeon right?

You can't "fix" a broken toe. It's not like a toy or something. It has to heal over time

50 - He is a trauma surgeon and a really good one, based on his blog stories that I've read. I'm sure he can take care of it himself. The Docbastard - At least you have access to pain meds ;) and it's not like you said it on purpose... I called my mom a fucktard when I was two. She'll get over it :)

Wait until she learns "mama" and starts using those words in sentences.


Might as well even out her vocabulary. Teach her "shit" as well. That should impress her teachers when she starts school.

Doc !!! :) Didn't have to read the fml, though i did, I knew it would be amazing! haha :)

On the bright side: aww she learned her first word. On the not so bright side: your wife is going to have a cow xD

*wondering what perdix comment will be* :)

maryam8869 7

That how it goes with kids :) she will grow up and you cant imagine how fast that would be .. days are running

desireev 17

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