By oboy - 01/03/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, after ten minutes of squishing my boobs together for my boyfriend, trying to get him to stare, he glanced at them then blankly said "I've seen better tits on my mom, so baby just stop that" and smiled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 312
You deserved it 7 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Black_Gothic_101 0

i would have been like "well, go suck your momma's then, bitch" and just walk away. second!!


ydi for fiddling with your boobs too much. if he loved you he wouldn't care, but supposing that comment he made I guess fyl too........

squishing your boobs together? I'm gonna have to "WTF??" about that.

ewww that's just weird and really gross too

well! I guess the next time he wants some you can go say "maybe you should go ask your mom!"

lmao! flat chested... jk lol, to me, anyboobs are good boobs ^.^

That's waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too much of a mamas boy! D:

blurgmine_fml 0

wow people don't need to fight leave snikwrdoodlea alone and hahaeh email is [email protected] and I'm not concided or stuck up for meh name I just wanted the meh part lmao

sweetheart88 0

mine are always togeather even if I don't try.. but I guess that's what happens whenu have dd's... lol