By oboy - 01/03/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, after ten minutes of squishing my boobs together for my boyfriend, trying to get him to stare, he glanced at them then blankly said "I've seen better tits on my mom, so baby just stop that" and smiled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 305
You deserved it 7 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Black_Gothic_101 0

i would have been like "well, go suck your momma's then, bitch" and just walk away. second!!


pfunk129 1

maybe cuz you weigh 300 pounds?

rawr_trick119 0

hey yall be nice. there is nothing wrong with small having small boobs. every women in my family is a D...except me im a B. But i do agree with some of yall...push up bra's are the keyy!! lmao.

YDI for dating a guy that looks at his mom's ****

arm01 0

er...... checkin out his mom??? lil weird. but then again, maybe its just "grandmother cleavage" :)

OP's boyfriend is a rude piece of shit.

I want to see pics of both the OP and the milf mom.

Or I can play with the breasts, the boyfriend will notice that as well.