By oboy - 01/03/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, after ten minutes of squishing my boobs together for my boyfriend, trying to get him to stare, he glanced at them then blankly said "I've seen better tits on my mom, so baby just stop that" and smiled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 312
You deserved it 7 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Black_Gothic_101 0

i would have been like "well, go suck your momma's then, bitch" and just walk away. second!!


you should be with a man that appreciates you.

You know, I just got to thinking. If some girl plays with her boobs in front of me for a minute it is GAME ON. I think your boyfriend might be gay.

if he wasn't staring at them before and didn't stare at them the moment u reached to toucch them u shoulda noticed he wasn't gonna look. YDI. for tryna be a ****

dunnojonathan 0

Why do people get in fights with people who comment on someone elses misfortune?

cardiojunkie 0

hahahahah lol at everyones cmmts

I think we should see them so we can judge...want my email address?

EllyH 0

Let me guess what you replied....