By fail - 21/12/2010 09:38 - United States

Today, an attractive guy told me he wanted to get to know me and see me again. When I told my boyfriend, in hopes of stirring up some jealousy, he said "he'll regret it when he finds out what you're like in bed, trust me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 082
You deserved it 43 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when you act like a bitch, expect to be treated like one


Alexandriamuahh 0
bswole 1

heres some advice dont be a dick and expect to get what you want

that is so mean! and "hoping for jealousy" is not THAT bad

Not THAT bad???? Wow! You have so much to learn about what a mature relationship is ...

is he already assuming you're gonna sleep with him?? if so, do it.

Ninjafriends 1

You sound like an awesome girlfriend. You're a b*tch and you're bad in bed? You'd be better be rich and a good cook.