By scumdresser - 29/09/2012 20:34 - United States - Pittsford

Today, an incredibly rude woman came in for a hairdressing appointment. I had to put up with being yelled at and called a "clumsy bitch," a "pleb," and other insults for almost half an hour. When I finally managed to finish her hair, instead of tipping me, she spat at my feet and stormed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 415
You deserved it 2 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've shaved her head. Or at least part of it.

And the next time she comes in... "Oopsy! Was that Nair? I thought it was conditioner! Haha! Silly me!"


LiL_Dub 2

Why in the hell didn't you walk away half done?!

You shouldn't have to deal with that, there ate rules in place in workshops that let's you refuse service to a customer. If they don't have one, maybe mention it to the higher ups, if they don't listen, call them plebs and spit at their feet

toughchick14 15

She sounds horrible! Tough break OP.

toughchick14 15

She sounds horrible! Tough break OP.

**** that b**** I woul ruin her hair cut

one11oh 2

i wouldve slipped a huge wad of gum in her hair

Why did u even do her hair? u deserve it for putting up with a **** like that smh...

pinkbabypuff1 0

Don't worry karma's a bitch:)

holyshitbatman 20

to all those people saying the beautician should have ruined the customers hair-why lose your job or even your LICENSE over a rude customer? we've ALL had them (if you work in customer service) and two wrongs dont make a right. sorry op, you didnt deserve it, but at least you were mature enough to not get revenge