By Ouch - 22/05/2009 15:16 - United States

Today, as I was closing my car door, I realized I had left the keys in the ignition. Not wanting to lock myself out, I reached to stop the door from closing. Not only did I scream when the door slammed on my hand, but in my furious pain, I leaned on the door, locking my keys inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 435
You deserved it 13 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks... you must have a really old car or something, most modern cars won't lock the driver's door if the key is in the ignition.

How does that mean he got them? could have posted from mobile or got towed home...


who the hell forgets to take the keys out of the ignition?

I know it'd hurt, but I doubt slamming your hands in a door would be worth a scream. My mom slammed my fingers in when I was 6, wasn't enough to make me cry. But come on, the first habit you develop when driving is taking the damn keys of out the damn ignition.

weefoo 0

lmao i've done that a million times, left my keys in the ignition. my old car was a '93 and the handle wabusted so the only way to actually lock it was the lock it from the inside, then close the door. when you don't actually need the keys to lock the car, it's easy to forget them. everyone knocking the OP probably never drove an old car.

this is one of those situations where the phrase "no pain no gain" doesn't apply. FYL

cprompt 0

That sucks. I wish cars still had the keypad on the door. I'll miss that when I get my next one.

couldn't you just pull the handle to stop it from closing rather than trying to put your hand in the door?

Wow you must have originally shut your door really hard to slam your hand in it when you tried to stop it from closing? How exactly does that work? I've had my hand slammed in a car door twice. But both times the door was literally slammed shut. The second time it was an old el camino and actually broke my hand. (Neither of theses times was my fault, both times I was getting into the car and an older sibling slammed the door shut.) So on the part of you slamming your hand in the door I feel your pain. I'm just confused as to how you did it.

#3... Valid statement. OP: Pay more attention?

yeah, i did something like that-- except i didn't lock the door.