By rholt - 14/01/2014 06:48 - United States - Baldwin City

Today, as I was taking out the trash, I spotted my cute neighbor doing the same. In a rush to get out before he went back inside, I slipped on my iced-over porch. I passed out and woke up with a note on my chest saying, "I unlocked your door but you were too heavy to drag inside". FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 475
You deserved it 8 092

Same thing different taste


Merylwen 24

So he just left you there, unconscious? When you had probably hit your head and could have needed emergency medical care?

I think you're on the wrong post. Scratch that, wrong website.

October3461 12

at least he attempted to help but either way don't let his comment make you feel like you're fat he could just be too weak op

mzdaisylynn 12

I would have called 9-1-1 if my neighbor slipped and passed out!

wait...if you were passed out that long for him to write a note and all,why didn't he call an ambulance?

buttcramp 21

since he tried to help, maybe theres still hope!