By rholt - 14/01/2014 06:48 - United States - Baldwin City

Today, as I was taking out the trash, I spotted my cute neighbor doing the same. In a rush to get out before he went back inside, I slipped on my iced-over porch. I passed out and woke up with a note on my chest saying, "I unlocked your door but you were too heavy to drag inside". FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 475
You deserved it 8 092

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

Don't panic, as things get better more and more trivial annoyances will get promoted to FMLs. Back in the day it was, "Today, my wife died in childbirth, leaving me with 8 starving children and a bloody corpse in the middle of our hut. FML." Eventually, you'll see, "Today, only six of my wives gave me ******** instead of all nine. FML." But, in any case, mighty perdix will be there with the snappy comment!

As you rushed to get out before he went back inside? What?

What a weakling. You should be able to drag someone even if you can't lift them. Also, what an asshole to not call for help if you were out cold...

Either he's weak or OP's heavy. And calling the ambulance could result in legal problems especially if the person who fell claimed that the person who called 911 had something to do with the fall.

But yeah he should Not have left you there unconscious, not just because you probably hit your head, but lying on ice in cold weather could lead to more problems!

Oh man, at first I thought OP was a guy, and I thought "Hey that's actually not bad". But then I saw my mistake and now I just feel bad.

Now you know he's a douchebag OP and you won't have to bother trying to get his attention anymore. More fool you if you do.

It seems like he has the looks, but nothing else. I am not sure how cold it is over there, but it should be cold enough to not be left outside when you are unconscious. Anything could have happen to you, whether it be someone taking advantage of you, becoming a victim of hypothermia, etc. You can do better, OP.