By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 16:38 - Switzerland - Bern

Today, as if to prove that there is no end to the unspeakable stupidity of the human race, a patient was brought into my hospital, needing a cellphone removed from his anus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 005
You deserved it 3 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get calls from assholes all the time, though...(I work in retail)

Hey, he was just trying to make contact with Uranus. Or Hisanus, rather.


Schizomaniac 24

Well that person took butt-dialing to a hole new level. Edit: **** the guy above me and **** my apparent lack of originality.

thatdangmexican 18
Kallian_fml 21

#100 - The fact that the pun went right over your head does not surprise me. "YOLO" and "SWAG"? Both in one username??

ZombieInConverse 13

two questions and one answer.. sexually depraved individual.

The other possibility, he came in from jail. The ass is the preferred hiding spot for all things contraband, and cell phones are definitely valuable contraband. So, he's either a perv or a convict, or both.

Inediblepeaches 15

They'd show up in an X-Ray though...

His girlfriend found out he's been seeing another woman and shoved it up his ass.

They get around x-ray sometimes. Someone throws an item at the fence line, or a worker brings it in. The inmates retrieve it and then hide it.

I'm guessing it happens when a phone is shoved up someone's ass, just saying

gary8082 14

He was just talking out of his ass.

jw90 18

Hey, it could've been a 50 year old man who "fell" on it.

olpally 32

His way of trying to hide his drug dealers phone numbers? That or he was in a drunken state of mind and his friends dared him to shove it in there. Haha. Have fun op.

Ari1337 15

the vibration is very tempting... or so I've heard.

olpally 32

Suurrreeee^^^ *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

He was probably trying to submit to Hunter Moore. Nbhnc

Maybe his gerbil wanted to make a call.

AnOriginalName 19

#3, that's what happens when the OP takes his girlfriend out to tell her that he's been cheating on her.