By Anonymous - 08/09/2013 16:38 - Switzerland - Bern

Today, as if to prove that there is no end to the unspeakable stupidity of the human race, a patient was brought into my hospital, needing a cellphone removed from his anus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 005
You deserved it 3 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get calls from assholes all the time, though...(I work in retail)

Hey, he was just trying to make contact with Uranus. Or Hisanus, rather.


I guess the term "booty-call" was taken a little to literal here :p

It would be awkward if you're in public transport when you'd get a callonoscopy.

My cousin works in the ER and was in that situation. The kicker was someone called the cellphone while it was still stuck up the guy's ass.

who was it? was it his mom? that would have been hilarious

Better out than in, I always say. In all seriousness, good thing this is not the 70s then we'd be looking at a whole different world of pain.

What about the 80's? Holy crap. The guy would be dead.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore....

olpally 32

How am I being a drama queen? Ever heard of a joke? I wasn't being serious.

ema_stonez 19

he was taking a picture of his rectum for a biology assignment

SystemofaBlink41 27

That person needs an anatomy lecture.

They put it on vibrate I'm guessing xD