By J - 11/02/2009 07:14 - United States

Today, at lunch I ordered a coke. The waiter replied "diet coke?" and I corrected him saying, "No, regular coke." He shook his head and said again, "diet coke." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 185
You deserved it 8 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redrovaa 0

How can it be made from sugar, but not be sugar. Do they add something that unsugars the sugar or some shit?

Aaaaaaand there goes his tip. I can understand if they ask "Diet?" to clarify which kind of coke, but repeating it is just effing rude.


valmont_fml 0

Actually, Splenda is a slightly altered sugar. It's compounded in a way that basically keeps it from being processed by your body, while still tasting sweet.

kanayume13 1

Actually you couldve misunderstood. Was English a second language for the waiter? He couldve meant we only have diet coke :) plus anyone would know that diet coke is just as bad ad regular coke.

noseasmamon 0

well you aren't good at your job then huh?....

noseasmamon 0

what are you trying to say?? racist bitch ****

noseasmamon 0

no need to be so bitchy... bitchy mcbitch

you shoulda got the dirt coke threw it at him and said bitch please

elise_ewell 0

#63 that was freaking awesome of you! so funny.

SuperSeriouslyFM 0

So they can get out of paying the check by saying, "I didn't order this!"