By Anonymous - 27/08/2013 18:39 - United States - East Northport

Today, at soccer tryouts, the coach made us run the entire practice. I ran the whole two hours ahead of everyone. When the tryout ended, I vomited due to dehydration. I didn't make the team. The coach's reasoning: "Only the weak throw up". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 982
You deserved it 5 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_9th_Doctor 18
Wizardo 33

That's such horseshit, appeal to one of the other coaches since there are normally more than one. That actually shows you have the best fitness there, yes I am a fellow football player, carry on.


He's right. You have no place on the team being that weak.

aznpink7 9

Maybe that wasn't the only reason. Do you have good ball control? I'm sorry, but even if you're an amazing runner, that's not enough for soccer.

Only the weak quit before they throw up. Tough mofos ride it out and puke like a boss. RESPECT

good thing you didnt get on that team hes a jerk go out for their rival team and give them hell at their next game

fukre 3

its better for you. you deserve a good coach

CrazyPenguin1026 7

The coach must not know what he's doing if tryouts is all running, he should judge you on all aspects of soccer like foot skills, passing, dribbling, and trapping, and throwing up is a sign of hardwork.

Yusomadbro_fml 4

Do you really want to be on a team with a coach that is such a massive jerk? Anyway that sucks

that coach is a bench that I would demolish with the wrecking ball that smiley was on for his punishment

Mortoli 30

lol transfer to another team and show that coach what he missed on first game against them