By Anonymous - 27/08/2013 18:39 - United States - East Northport

Today, at soccer tryouts, the coach made us run the entire practice. I ran the whole two hours ahead of everyone. When the tryout ended, I vomited due to dehydration. I didn't make the team. The coach's reasoning: "Only the weak throw up". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 982
You deserved it 5 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_9th_Doctor 18
Wizardo 33

That's such horseshit, appeal to one of the other coaches since there are normally more than one. That actually shows you have the best fitness there, yes I am a fellow football player, carry on.


Well you should know to take breaks for water, that way you won't throw up from dehydration

Although the coach was an ass in his reasoning, he was correct in cutting you from the team. Who wants someone who doesn't know their own limits and over-pushes themself? You're a hazard to both yourself and the team.

Obviously he doesn't know what lactic acid is, or that it builds up in your stomach from a lot of running. Good thing he's not a cross country coach, because it's totally normal for runners to throw up after a race from running so hard.

Excel in another sport and then remind him of his stupidity in not choosing you.

In a way it is op's fault as well. Every athlete should know to stay hydrated all day every day no matter what, starting with the glass of water after you wake up. That's one point many coaches focuses on as we'll. the coach should of let op come out again but op shoulda drunk more water throughout the day. Next time stay hydrated

That's stupid, I play soccer and run and if you throw up its because you pushed beyond what's comfortable.

xTennyo_Ninjax 2

I'm so sorry.... that's super unfair. You should try talking to someone about that; is there someone who is in charge you can approach regarding the coach? That's just really unfair...