By smartgirl - 01/05/2009 23:48 - Canada

Today, at the awards ceremony at my school, I ended up winning the top achievement award in my grade. The principal spent at least ten minutes talking about my success to the audience, the whole time referring to me as a "he" as I stood right next to him. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 551
You deserved it 5 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you need a different haircut and start praying for them boobs to pop up.

fretforyerlatte 0

and no one bothered to correct him either? that's harsh.


average_girl 0

u couldve had a unisex name...

That sucks. My sister, Sarah, gets mistaken for a boy quite often. Her haircut is pretty gender neutral, she doesn't wear makeup, and her clothes are generally pretty baggy. Lots of people don't catch on even after being told her name is Sarah. She's definitely not even close to ugly, but the haircut and the clothes make up people's minds pretty quickly. There are, after all, many very "pretty" boys out there.

tiltwrestler 0

#25 and #22, you're right. And i wasn't saying men are superior AT ALL; I'm saying they are EQUAL, with different things they are good at. And yes, I scraped for the womens capabilities- cuz im not a woman, how the f*ck should I know that??? hahahah but seriously. I'm saying they are equal... but different. And I know that some men are dumber. We prove this every day, don't we? There are those of us men who are in our forties and still flick the underwear off our foot and try to catch it! =P haha jeff foxworthy. and grapefruitzoe, chill out. First off, I didn't say women are just nice. You guys beat us in emotional CONTROL, and also like that 1 person said, u beat us at languages too. There are less really dumb women. So stop generalizing... especially if you want me to stop generalizing. 2nd, Nothing annoys me more than spoiled little american girls, who all talk about "breaking someones neck" at some time or another, when very few of them have ever even been in a legitimate fight. Stop making threats, especially when you have no idea what a fight is even like. I've been in plenty. Trust me. You wouldn't enjoy it. I win most of mine, but even the ones I win, they really suck, cuz both ppl usually at least gets a little Fd up. So just chilllll

shoulda interrupted him, but fyl still

normandin131 0

So? You still won some award. Being smarter than everyone else and having a retard Principal who called you a guy doesn't seem like a fml.

meddude 0

is your name also possibly a boy's name? like Dylan or Javier or something?

AK 2

Your principal is an asshole. Just be glad you're graduating.

taylerrr 0

dont feel bad. i get that all the time too.

Well that guy is a complete idiot. There's a girl that my whole history class wasn't sure about her gender. For a while we thought it was a guy. Although it's not her fault. Her face shape is very masculine. Her hair style is long, but it doesn't really do much since a lot of guys grow their hair to be very long these days (my brother being one of them). Her name was also a unisex name, so that wasn't helpful. I don't know really how to help you. I guess you could wear make up (although I don't). I have short hair too, but I guess my facial bone structures look feminine... Anyway, try to wear something that'll make it unmistakable that you're female. =] And if he's a student of yours, and doesn't take the time to look at your records to see at least what sex you are (since he doesn't work hands on with the students unless they're causing trouble), then really, it's a good thing you're graduating. What a jerk.