By TheTruthofWomen - 04/11/2013 05:45 - United States

Today, at work, I had to explain to my co-manager at work what a period was, after he refused to let an employee go change her tampon. Afterwards, he panicked, saying he thought women made that up so they didn't have to have sex, before trying to send her to the hospital and fainting. We're 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 232
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just speechless. How is this possible for a grown-up man in his twenties?


fancypants725 4

Haha that's so funny I remember explaining that to my best friend when he we were like 13. He was so grossed out...someone had to tell them right?

askullnamedbilly 33

Well, to be honest, finding out at the ripe old age of 24 that genitals can bleed for a week is pretty scary.

My step dad don't like anything period related. If you leave a tampon in the bathroom in will call you to move it. I don't get it bc he lives with 3 females & have 4 daughters from his pervious marriage.

lightanddark 17

sounds like someone is still a virgin. or inbred

Sometimes parents can and will sign a form saying that the kid can't attend sex ed classes. I'm not sure why, it only opens up opportunities for ignorance and misunderstanding. There's also schools that separate boys and girls and only teach each gender about their own gender. Just trying to find a plausible reason.

This is epic. I wish I had been there.