By BigMoney - 07/09/2011 17:25 - United States

Today, behind a cabinet, I found a scratch-off lottery ticket I hadn't scratched yet. After scratching it off, I realized it's a $2,500 winner. The lottery commission won't accept it because they stopped using that game 2 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 467
You deserved it 13 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao XD Well, that sucks for u. But atleast it wasnt a $2milion winner, then ud feel worse.


Roll it up, stick some weed in it, and smoke the pain away

sxe_beast 11

Of course they didn't. Because the Illuminati control the lottery commission. This is another one of their social experiments! DON'T YOU SEE? They wanted him to go on some sort of psychotic rampage!!!!!

CVeNgineer 0

could be worse. My grandmothers colleague at work won the lotto roll over on one of its biggest jackpots ever. Unfortunately he couldn't find his ticket.

ducttapewallet 7

Did group 935 almost turn it into a zombie?

leadman1989 15

Do you know how much (insert contraband here) that could have bought? FYL for serious.

Or maybe that is EXACTLY what they wanted you to think. Those tricky groups, making it seem as though they've had it all planned when in fact they did squat. Nothing is worse than an idea-stealing organization.

You should check behind your cabinets more often.

I guess the phrase 'Better late than never' doesn't apply here...