By Anonymous - 10/04/2009 18:42 - United States
akd_rocks tells us more.
Okay I'm the person that wrote this, I wrote it earlier today before I got my account and its one hundered percent true we talked about family we exchanged pics but i had never met him before he was my moms sisters son adn i have never met that part of my family because my mom was disowned for marrying my dad. his last name was my moms maiden name so i didnt think anything of it especially since its a common last name, SMITH. soo yes it may seem ridiculous but its real and awful
Top comments
Why is it that everyone thinks that cousins must have the same name? Also, he could be her cousin, but from a part of her family that she hasn't talked to in a while.
Gosh there are lots of haters here. To the OP, FYL for what happened, and FYL even more for posting in a place full of jealous haters.
This actually isn't a big deal. If you've never met before as cousins, there's really no weird moral issues (i.e., my SO was raised with his cousins basically as siblings, so that would be pretty ****** up to date them). Cousins don't share enough genetic material for there to be an issue with genetic mutations/defects (really, there's not that high of a rate of defects even with full siblings -- it's more of a concern with parent/child relationships). So, uh, who cares? (Except that you spent $300 on a dress. WTF, go to Target.)
This isn't a ******* mastercard commercial. Admins plz delete this.
Some people have a lot of cousins they've never met, i could see how that happens, plus i have a cousin with a name no way related to mine.
Hey in some places its okay to do that. MORE POWER TO YOU! handle your business. btw if you will spend that much money on me for a date, ill take you out =D
I agree with #3. You should have figured it out in 2 months. But after spending $530... you should have ****** him anyway. lol