By Anonymous - 10/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, brand new cocktail dress: $300. Matching peep toe heels: $100. Getting my hair done at the salon: $80. Treating myself to a mani/pedi: $50. When finally meeting the guy I have been chatting online with for 2 months, I find out he's my cousin: priceless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 216 873
You deserved it 70 146

akd_rocks tells us more.

Okay I'm the person that wrote this, I wrote it earlier today before I got my account and its one hundered percent true we talked about family we exchanged pics but i had never met him before he was my moms sisters son adn i have never met that part of my family because my mom was disowned for marrying my dad. his last name was my moms maiden name so i didnt think anything of it especially since its a common last name, SMITH. soo yes it may seem ridiculous but its real and awful

Top comments

Savvy89 0

Hey in some places its okay to do that. MORE POWER TO YOU! handle your business. btw if you will spend that much money on me for a date, ill take you out =D

SurpriseButtseks 0

I agree with #3. You should have figured it out in 2 months. But after spending $530... you should have ****** him anyway. lol


To #13 and #34 about the "$" sign. In French it goes after the numbers not before so if this person knows french, then don't be bitching about it. I make that mistake a lot because its more natural for me to put it after, after all these years in school doing it.

Am I the only one who noticed this dumb chick but the dollar sign on the wrong side of the number? $300, not 300$. Dumb, not surprising you didn't check this guys name or info like his mom or dad.

yoboo310 0

ahahhahahahahahhahahh! LOSERERRRRR

sondramcfail 0

Hey, at least you have a cute dress & heels! ;D

I don't know all of my cousins, and they have different last names. Yet, how did you find out he WAS your cousin? Man, you must be rich, cause if not, then you're insane. Also, maybe this will teach you to date off the internet.

What, some of you folks ride the "short bus" to school? COUSINS CAN HAVE DIFFERENT LAST NAMES! Retards... For example, her AUNTS kid (cousin) has her AUNTS HUSBANDS last name. SECOND cousins get even more complicated. In short; **** his brains out... it's all good.

fatalscape 0

i could see that as happening. when i'm excited about something i tend to spend money but not like that. and yeah, at what point did you not see pictures of each other? or did you two get to talking and later realize it? either lame and fake or just lame.

SVelasquez 0

No frickin' way you wouldn't know if this guy was your cousin after two months. Is this one of those twice-a-year-only-on-holiday cousins?