By Anonymous - 10/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, brand new cocktail dress: $300. Matching peep toe heels: $100. Getting my hair done at the salon: $80. Treating myself to a mani/pedi: $50. When finally meeting the guy I have been chatting online with for 2 months, I find out he's my cousin: priceless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 216 873
You deserved it 70 146

akd_rocks tells us more.

Okay I'm the person that wrote this, I wrote it earlier today before I got my account and its one hundered percent true we talked about family we exchanged pics but i had never met him before he was my moms sisters son adn i have never met that part of my family because my mom was disowned for marrying my dad. his last name was my moms maiden name so i didnt think anything of it especially since its a common last name, SMITH. soo yes it may seem ridiculous but its real and awful

Top comments

Savvy89 0

Hey in some places its okay to do that. MORE POWER TO YOU! handle your business. btw if you will spend that much money on me for a date, ill take you out =D

SurpriseButtseks 0

I agree with #3. You should have figured it out in 2 months. But after spending $530... you should have ****** him anyway. lol


LifeSux19 0

For two freaking months??? Niether you or him sent pictures of yourselves?? And spending all that money for a date, only one date...psssh you're crazy.

Banthestrandland 0

I hereby royally dub your life ROYALLY F**KED. May your life have some good moment after this faux pas.

cbeaith 0

dollar sign is on the wrong side of the number, dumbass. my grandparents are cousins. gotta do what you gotta do!

xThatRandomGirlx 0

I just laughed hysterically! How did you not realize that he was your cousin?!!!

geronimo_fml 0
Ox_Baker 0

Huge shenanigans suspected. If the OP is telling the truth, she's massively unintelligent, massively.