By Anonymous - 01/06/2012 07:02 - United States

Today, Child Protective Services came to my house, because my 7-year-old son told people at school that he was uncomfortable sleeping in his uncle's bed. I had to explain to them that the uncle in question died 2 years ago, and that's why it felt weird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 429
You deserved it 2 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I'm sure it was weird for the first few months as the corpse was rotting, but your kid shoud be OK now that he's just down to a skeleton. Skeletons are cooler than teddy bears.

At least you know he has caring teachers


Not sure why people are so weirded about this? Never had hand-me-downs? Not everyone can afford brand new things. A beds a bed.

Not to a 7 year old that knows his uncle died in it.

kandi_kid69 15

I've had hand-me-downs and all but I would never sleep in a bed that someone who is deceased slept in too. It seems a bit awkward.

courtneyann211 10

19- where does it say that the uncle died in the bed?!

aaghmylife 9

Well yes, but making a kid sleep in a dead guy's bed is almost as creepy as making a kid wear a dead guy's underwear. I mean, sorry to be Captain Innuendo, but there are SO many things that that kid's uncle could have done in that bed.

As long as you're not doing what Dr. Carl Van Cosel did and forcing him to sleep next to a corpse, your son's teachers will understand.

theneatoburrito 8

Small children's minds are so pure, when they talk, it's not like they realize that the way they're wording something is not right. Adults misinterpret what they're saying, and jump to conclusions many times, without further talking to the child, which can be annoying. But at least you know that your children's teachers care. But still, an awkward situation. FYL.

Oh Christ. Your ignorance hath brought a shitstorm down upon thyself. Be prepared.


bookbrace 6

I'm not sure why everyone keeps saying that the uncle died in the bed; no where does it say that in the FML. Most likely it was just the bed that belonged to the uncle and whoever was dividing possessions thought the child would like the bed to remember their uncle.

Tali147 16

Because we all like to keep pieces of furniture to remind us of our deceased relatives.

courtneyann211 10

45 it's better than just throwing furniture away. I personally wanted my grandfathers chair

liquid_sasquatch 10

I agree! Readers are doing the same thing that the teachers did! Reading something into the situation that is not there....

kandi_kid69 15

22- Not so sure about that. Yes it seems like he has caring teachers but I'm pretty sure a parent knows how to care for their own child. On another note, what even made you post this comment?

Or you must have had incredibly nice teachers, who are a rare species.

Just be happy the teacher cared enough to do something instead of just brushing it off. Imagine if something odd was happening and the teacher ignored the kid. Be happy OP. Your kid's teacher actually cares.