By meetrasan - 18/03/2013 00:01

Today, four days after our fridge-freezer broke down, my husband staggered home with three bags of ham. He drunkenly bought it with most of what little money we have, so now not only is our food budget gone, we also have a metric cunt-load of ham, and nowhere to store it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 530
You deserved it 4 439

meetrasan tells us more.

meetrasan 1

I'm OP. My husband couldn't hold his liquor over a few beers if his **** and balls depended on it. It's been a topic of arguments for a while already and this is the final straw. But it's kind of a funny situation if you think about it, that's why I posted it. To any stupid people that are going to ask how can he afford to go out drinking, read my other comment. And I KNOW someone's going to ask how could I afford a computer or a phone to post this, and my answer is: I don't buy a new computer or phone every day, shit head. I could sell my computer, but you try going without easy internet access in this day and age. We'll survive.

Top comments


I'm from the US; could you convert that to imperial ****-loads for me?

meetrasan 1

About 2.2740, give or take 0.5 depending on your sex life.

*applause* you, OP are a true FML'er.

I agree that was awesome OP. 'bowing'

ardencred 7

Is a **** load the eastern euro trash weight system? enlighten me here

rabidpeach 5

ahem... eastern euro trash? sounds likw something brussels would come up with just because "**** load" might be an imperial unit

dee_89 7

Sorry op your husband is an idiot!

I want to make a "yo mamma joke" but it's so hard to tell what'll set the mods off...

I am now familiar with the metric system, what does a **** load convert to in standard?

In Canada, standard is imperial not metric

therealafroninga 10

In Canada people get mauled by bears.

One of the best burns I've seen on this site, you sir, deserve a cookie!

I have a feeling that your husband is a fan of Dr. Suess and is looking to make green eggs and ham.

Return it all? I don't know, just a suggestion..

I doubt the random bloke down the pub does refunds.

In my experience, you can't return food, even if it's unopened.

I return food all the time. Especially fruit. Matter of fact, just returned a watermelon two days ago because it was spoiled when I cut it open. Never had a problem.

#45 proves my point exactly. Food isn't that complicated to return

There's a big difference between returning a watermelon that was already spoiled, and returning perfectly edible ham that's already started degrading. No place I've ever gone gives refunds on unspoiled meat. You can't store it properly? That's your problem, not the seller's.

Degrading in quality? It's not like the OP is keeping it for a week. She's returning it the same day. I don't know of any store that wouldn't take it back. They usually want to keep their customers' happily.:P

cradle6 13

So how exactly did you post to FML? One of the first things to drop when you're broke is Internet and cable. Two months of a Verizon package is more than a good used refrigerator. And who in the US says "metric ton" and buys three hams? As for your husband, what a swine...