By meetrasan - 18/03/2013 00:01
meetrasan tells us more.
I'm OP. My husband couldn't hold his liquor over a few beers if his **** and balls depended on it. It's been a topic of arguments for a while already and this is the final straw. But it's kind of a funny situation if you think about it, that's why I posted it. To any stupid people that are going to ask how can he afford to go out drinking, read my other comment. And I KNOW someone's going to ask how could I afford a computer or a phone to post this, and my answer is: I don't buy a new computer or phone every day, shit head. I could sell my computer, but you try going without easy internet access in this day and age. We'll survive.
Top comments
Is a **** load more or less than a butt load?
Why not return it to the store?
Heh. ****-load.
I'm OP. My husband couldn't hold his liquor over a few beers if his **** and balls depended on it. It's been a topic of arguments for a while already and this is the final straw. But it's kind of a funny situation if you think about it, that's why I posted it. To any stupid people that are going to ask how can he afford to go out drinking, read my other comment. And I KNOW someone's going to ask how could I afford a computer or a phone to post this, and my answer is: I don't buy a new computer or phone every day, shit head. I could sell my computer, but you try going without easy internet access in this day and age. We'll survive.
you also rock for coming back!
Sadly, I don't think that this will stop any stupid comments spewing from people who either don't bother to read the OP's posts or just want to troll. Stupid comments aside, I hope that you manage to resolve your husbands drinking-then-spending-money-on-random-stuff problem, OP. Perhaps you could give your husband a set amount of money to go drinking so that he doesn't drunkenly overspend. Might seem overboard, but if this is a repeat offense (which from what I gather it is), and you have a very limited budget, it might be a good option to take.
Just because you don't buy it regularly doesn't mean you couldn't sell your electronics. That's why libraries have public use ones.
#36: If you don't want people commenting your story, why did you post it?
Ohhhh I don't know maybe cause she felt like sharing. She just doesn't like the off topic comments.
#83 - I don't know about you, but I use my computer for more than just the internet. I keep many photos, albums, and videos on there, not to mention lecture notes, PDF's, and games. Even if you did only use it for the internet would you want to be writing private emails in a public library or perhaps do internet banking?
But, #83, the library ones have horrible internet connectivity, limited time usage, and controls so as to not view certain, select pages. Using the library computers sucks, and you aren't free to just sit and freely browse at your leisure.
I see a lot of ppl giving u crap about ur hub drinking n blasting u for not being mad about that--hello, she stated that was the source of many fights! Meanwhile, I've seen ppl do some crazy stuff while drunk--that's why u don't go shopping while hungry or intoxicated... If possible, take the hams (at least 2 of them) back to the store n get ur $ back. Mk ur hub single-handedly eat that other ham. I know my fam of 3 is sick of it by the time w go thru one ham. I'm willing to bet he doesn't buy another for a long time, drunk or sober. Good luck, Hunee. And at least u can find the humor in it (metric ****-load? U r my hero for the day!).
It's not off topic to ask why her husband is going out drinking when they are on a tight budget and need to fix their fridge/freezer.
How lady-like of you to use the measurement of the metric **** load.
You are an idiot. Why sell some u bought to go use public , crappy ones?!?' #83, an idiot
Could he not have returned the ham to the store?
That wouldn't be a problem in Canada.
Exactly. Just store it in your igloo
And the best part about Canada is, the igloo will never melt! Yay!
Funny ;) Realistically however, you could roast it on a car hood in the summer though :Zp
Why wouldn't it be- oh. I get it now. I'm gonna go ride my polar bear to school now.
Make sure he eats that for breakfast, lunch and dinner
OP be happy because at least your sense of humor is awesome! Metric ****-load. Classic.
He should have bought bacon.
That's a damn sHAMe.