By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


jayrags 0

well did you learn a lesson ?

J3RZ3Y 0

if you smoke, two little burns should be the least of your worries

Very true. The burns will heal over time.

YDI for smoking. Ew dirty smoker! *puke*

ydi fir smoking...just like everyone else said

I smoke sometimes when I drink I don't think I'm addicted though.

LaneyyLOVE 0

#260, tried it before, G R O S S && never again.

dugumit 0

that's nothing I have a revlon branding on my boob. I should charge them advertising space.

dickster 0

that's y u shouldn't smoke, along with the slow rasping death prompted by deterioration of the lungs and/or cancer