By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


look at the bright side. if any guys ask what happened you can call em pervs for looking. lol

I haven't read all the comments, so I hope this isn't repetitive, but YDI for smoking. Did anyone say that yet? ;)

ughblahsuckit 0

it's because of people like you that our planet is dying

HOLY SHIT YOU ARE RETARDED. Did you eat lead paint? Mommy an alcoholic with you inside of her? Seriously, what caused you to be so ******* stupid? Cigarettes, of all things, killing the planet? Stop listening to propaganda, dumbass.

How the hell do you even do that? Why were you holding your cig so close to your chest? Or did you drop it while inhaling? YDI for being so damn clumsy.

I like how all of yall are bitching about smoking when half of yall prolly smoke and the point is cigarettes get you lightheaded takes yout mind off things cools you down after being angry tell em stfu

376 Thank You someone that agrees with me

Isn't it sad that only the people with limited intelligence agree with you?

its sad how people with limited intelligence like to act all smart and high and mighty! stop pushing your choices on other people! eventually your gonna get slapped!

you'll get more of those pains for smoking... and you won't even have to drop your cigarette

I agree smoking that kush makes you loose brain cells it's not good..... but I LOVE it too much to let it go

weed wont make you loose brain cells its a myth watch this movie called "the union: the business behind getting high"