By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


260 read my mind. I smoke, and I enjoy it a lot. I know I may die younger, but to tell you the truth, who the hell wants to live past 70? Becoming dependant on love ones and being a shadow of your former self would be depressing. Also, being unable to get up in bed(both literally and sexually) would be terrible. The only thing I would look forward to is going senile, and not giving a **** what anybody thinks. Being a smoker though, I've already had tons of practice...

304: Nice finally someone who doesnt argue with me, jeez!!!! i also agree on the senile bit, but yeah, if these people want to live up to a undred almost in comma and vegetable state, what can we do to save them? we´re saving ourselves, GOD SAVE THE SMOKERS!!!

Are you seriously saying that you are saving yourself by smoking? Or did I just read that wrong?

wiredream 0

YDI so much for smoking quit now and save yourself while you still can :0

in every fml at least one of the comments have "in soviet Russia" WTF!!!

For 270, it seems that not just pot makes you dumb. It isn't "filosofical". It's "philosophical". Maybe just choosing to be a smoker is linked with people who are innately dumb. Just a thought.

well 309, just a thought here, i wrote filosofical cuz im mexican and thats how its spelled in spanish, and well, yes, i dominate both english and spanish and italian so dont go testing my inteligence cuz i am very certain that you dont even know how to speak english properly, much less any other worldly language, so check before writing stupid comments.

It's hard to take you seriously when you misspell "intelligence."

It's hard to believe you have a life when you're such a grammar Nazi.

Raleigh_bruh 7

As much as Freeze and I take jabs at each other, he has a point and I have to agree with him. It's kind of hard to take a person seriously when they spell the word "intelligence" wrong.. As for #326, what's wrong with having good grammar? I'd rather be accused of being a "grammar nazi" than a druggie any day.

MonsterSports 0

Another Reason not 2 smoke causes external and internal pain

loski87 4

you shouldn't have been smoking

glider23 0

Since THAT goes with the FML?

who the **** cares if the OP smokes. your a bunch of little bitches. I don't smoke but I'm not gonna be a **** to someone if they wanna. damn