By Charon - 09/10/2009 22:11 - United States

Today, I asked a girl I like to homecoming. I brought her to my house beforehand for dinner with my family. My brother asked her whether we were just friends or dating, she shouted, "Just friends!" and then starts flirting with him with me in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 384
You deserved it 3 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinktiger 0

if she never liked u then she shouldnta said offense :D


Slap her and tell her to effin chew her food

wiserman 0

you live in virginia. which i'm guessing means all three of you are related anyway. so fyl for living in virginia.

Man I hate it when I laugh at these type of comments. I feel so terrible after I realize how bad it is....

Damn man, you have my sympathy. She had to have known that you liked you if you asked her to the dance, but then starts flirting with your own brother right in front of you? Way better off without her.

You could have a hot sister-in-law and when your brother becomes a big, fat pig after the wedding, you can nail her then. Patience, my friend, patience.

If she's only 14, that might be a long time away. Although I guess they do live in the south, so maybe not.

A lot of states have "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions to their age of consent. An age difference between the partners of three or four years can make things legal that would otherwise not be. All of the 50 states have their own laws.

I think your braindead since when does being in the south affect you age in marriage u stupid Yankee your just mad the rangers are going to the world series(:

Ouch that blows because I'm pretty sure you were asking her to homecoming as a date, however, maybe homegirl did not know that before hand.

flyboy57 0

You have a lot to learn about girls, OP. Most girls crave attention from guys. They love nothing more than to have guys fight over them. And if it's brothers fighting over them, that's even better. So being the naive, innocent lad that you are... you thought you were doing the proper thing by introducing her to your family. No. Don't do that. Most girls will instinctively do exactly what this girl did: she knew you liked her, so she flirted with your brother to see if the two of you would fight over her. It's nothing personal, but you really need to learn the way this works or you'll be one of those poor morons that is used by girls over and over until you go insane and murder one of them. Then you'll have a true FML to post. Get wise now.

Mm, I'll admit that if I had people competing over me, I would be flattered... but if they acted like screwball children and got into an actual fight, I'd be disgusted. And I most certainly wouldn't purposely instigate the competition. If a guy misreads my intentions and tries to compete for my attention, that's his fault/overeagerness. Any bitch who purposely tries to make people fight over her is just that; a bitch, and a bitch undeserving of any attention at that.

Mmm, I see you doing my mmm's. It feels pretty great. XD [/not serious] I could never understand siblings hitting on someone's date. Or girls who wanted guys to fight over them. No one really loves, or even truly likes, anyone in that situation, and I, personally, would just walk away. I've done it before. I stick by the, “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.” That, and, keep your hands off other people's plates.

Oh yes, most certainly. If it were someone like my SO's friend or sibling, I'd be more pissed than I would be flattered. Who do they think they are? That's a good saying... I've never heard the latter half, just the "set them free" part.

I believe the quote is from a story, something about a king and a songbird. There's also a similar one about a boy and a rocking horse. Book of Virtues, FTW! But if you really love someone, you want them to be happy, even if you're no longer a part of their life. That, and when you love someone, you never stop, even if you break up. You accept it, and move on. That's how I see it anyway. And who you go to homecoming with/date in high school is just practice for later in life.

I agree, that's true love... And I think quite a few philosphers and famous people agree. There are so many quotes that pretty much say the same lol

Mhm, but it's one thing to say, another to practice.

Ferrari that's not true of all girls. If my homecoming date introduced me to his family, I wouldn't go straight for the brother who was hitting on me, though I would feel flattered that he thought I was attractive.