By Charon - 09/10/2009 22:11 - United States

Today, I asked a girl I like to homecoming. I brought her to my house beforehand for dinner with my family. My brother asked her whether we were just friends or dating, she shouted, "Just friends!" and then starts flirting with him with me in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 384
You deserved it 3 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinktiger 0

if she never liked u then she shouldnta said offense :D


tmanapoo 0
DieterDerBlau 0

Ditch her ass for someone who actually LIKES you...

I don't even get a homecoming. I graduated High School. :(

Me too. D: But hey, now you/we have an excuse to sneak in!

Pfft, I never went to homecoming. I think I got asked once... ah, no, wait, I'm confusing that with a junior high dance that was basically the same thing (held shortly after homecoming lol... losers). I only went to prom, and I hated it with a passion. Never again. I don't understand what's so great about dances... boring as hell.

I've been to prom a couple of times. I only really liked my first one, which was on a boat. And last years was alright... But I never understood the appeal of homecoming. Is it like, you bring someone and you're mentality is, 'Hey, I'm going to show this person off, and pretend they're going to be my squeeze for the rest of the year,' or is it a practice prom? Middle school dances scare me. It's like when you find out who's going to be that slutty freshman in high school and which ones are going to drop out, do drugs, etc.

I can't sneak into homecoming/prom. Lol. I'm too damned aged, they'd think I was a teacher before a student. xD

Have you seen some high school kids? And it's almost Halloween now. All kinds of nifty things you can acquire in order to sneak in somewhere. Plus, there's always parties after prom.

IOwnedYou 0

Rofl, she probably didn't flirt with him, you're just that stupid.

What a rude little bitch. I hope you took her home after that dinner instead of Homecoming.

It's rude, yeah but you have to put yourself in her shoes. Plus she could have been even more rude. And in public. I think I'm trying to make you feel better.. I don't really know either.

It was very tacky of her to say the least. You shouldn't hang around people like that. Definetly you deserve better

No but she could have not been a complete twat and flirted with his brother when it was he who asked her to homecoming. If she didn't like him, she shouldn't have accepted, but instead she acts like a hoe.

If it means that much to you, then confront him/her or just forget going to HC with her altogether. You can probably find someone better anyway.