By Charon - 09/10/2009 22:11 - United States

Today, I asked a girl I like to homecoming. I brought her to my house beforehand for dinner with my family. My brother asked her whether we were just friends or dating, she shouted, "Just friends!" and then starts flirting with him with me in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 384
You deserved it 3 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinktiger 0

if she never liked u then she shouldnta said offense :D


Dump her. You deserve better than that. You don't need to be competing with your brother and your brother should back off!

is he older? cuz then u would no y. all my friends older bros r so hot. u shouldnt have brought her over to dinner. and she's not worth it anyways if she's flirting with ur bro when ur right there

bigcrazymike 6

Take her to homecoming, but find someone else to dance with when you get there.

darks0ck 0

Sounds like you have a bad brother, I'd never flirt with my bro's date

Not bad brother... the girl made it clear that she and the OP were "just friends". In other words, she wanted to hook up with the brother.

Well, now you know that she's not worth your time. Move on.

justjayit 0

I don't really understand why the hell you would bring this girl to your family before you're even really going out, but in any case, yeah - that sucks.

KkBeAr 0

forget her! she aint worth your time anyways so just get another gal.