By WtfDidIPayYouForThen - 02/06/2013 10:53 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I asked my dermatologist why my acne has been getting worse, despite following her directions and spending hundreds of dollars on medicine. She just shrugged and told me they can't actually cure my acne. However, they can prescribe me a bunch of stuff and hope one works. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 228
You deserved it 5 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately that's the way some medical conditions work. We don't really understand them well, so our best hope is to throw the kitchen sink at them and hope something works. Now if only there were a prescription to cure stupidity.


A lot of acne treatment medicines have so many chemicals it make it worse!!! Go to an all natural store and try to use detergents, shampoos, and body wash that have nothing but organic ingredients!!! Also keep an eye on your diet!!! Soda and greasy foods do not help!!! Good luck!!

Also change pillow cases every second night. One night one side, one night the other. Bacteria that causes acne spreads. Keep hair off face as much as possible too.

mycatsaysmeow 7

Just because an ingredient is natural doesn't mean it's good for you. There are plenty of natural ingredients that irritate the skin.

Might as well go to a witch doctor then. Same probability of success and cheaper.

Change your diet, my acne ended up being a reaction to certain foods. Look at what you consume the most of and start from there. For me, I drank a lot of milk so I switch from regular to organic and drank less. It helped a lot, didn't make it go away completely. But just keep changing your diet and see if you notice any changes over a month.

She's lying I have acne and there's a pill called acutane which works for any type of acne 99 percent of the time

xStaciexLynnx 15

Wasn't there a recall on that or something and the possibility of some real bad side effects?

Accutane is great for curing acne, however it's awful for you as a whole. It has so many negative side effects (even constant anger in some people) that it's honestly not worth it unless your acne is very severe. There's so many other things out there to try. For example, I've been taking zinc tablets along with my little brother and both of us have seen reduced acne (mine is practically gone) and zinc doesn't have the awful side effects accutane has, plus it's cheaper.

caysters 12

Last I heard, FDA banned it in the us because the side effects are horrible. Severe birth defects, mood disorders, various other nasty conditions.

sarah58924 9

Accutane is serious stuff. As an aesthetician and last technician, we aren't allowed to treat people who've been on Accutane in the previous two years. Accutane may be an option for people with a serious case of cystic acne and just cant find the answer, but it should absolutely not be the first choice. Having an allergy test is probably the better option and cheaper at finding out what had been causing your acne.

41 you are on the right track! Zinc is really important for those who have acne type skin. And totally agree with what you said about accutane! Should only be used as a last resort!

myoukei 31

142, i think she was referring to 20

My cousin just recently got off Accutane and the only side effects he got were dry lips. It really isn't all that bad of a drug. Then again, it depends on the person. I believe Accutane is worse for women because of the possibility of birth defects.

CAJustise 9

rosacea is very often misdiagnosed as acne, look into treatments for that & stop the acne treatments.


A method that I trust by is the lemon and honey mask . Honey is a natural antibacterial & anti-inflammatory. Lemon is great for acne prone skin because it brightens & exfoliates. Combine the two together BAM one heck of a cheap & effective DIY cleanser / mask. Hope you try it OP c:

That's true! Another good one is milk and honey or plain yogurt and honey. I have acne problems so I find the addition of the milk products to be very soothing for my skin.

Michael_92 20

Try what these girls are doing. The biggest thing is to make the pores smaller. Google is your friend when it comes to this. The honey and lemon is proven to work. Egg white is another one and it works I can confirm.

rhcpgurl 18

Same happened to me. My dermatologist had the nerve to say my skin was so much better when it actually was worse. I fired her and eventually found a 3-in-1 cleanser called Vivant and I dont have acne anymore. She sctually wanted me to change my diet and stop eating pizza altogether. Now nothing I eat affects my skin. Good luck!

xStaciexLynnx 15

Changing your diet is not at all bad advice. Ive mostly grown out of my acne but it still flares up if I eat too much sugar (particularly soda and chocolate).

mycatsaysmeow 7

It's not particularly good advice either. There are many doctors who say that overall, diet has nothing to do with acne. And there are many people, like myself, who enjoy certain foods too much that not eating it ever again in order to control something as superficial as mild acne is not an option.

Acne-what doctors use to make a shit load of cash/destroy your wallet. I had it bad, changed my diet, no soda or junk food and it cleared up.

I recommend doxycycline and Acutane if you haven't tried those before yet. I have not heard of Acutane not working for someone so far.

Accutane is great for acne but hard on the body. Should be used as a last resort. Very restrictive medication.

Agreed with #43. Accutane is so bad for your body that you have to sign an agreement to use two kinds of birth control as a female. It can cause serious birth defects on a fetus. Just imagine what it'll do to your body. Plus, the results aren't necessarily permanent either.

I had pretty normal teenage skin from 12-16. A whitehead once in a while, but then my face suddenly exploded. I spent over a year trying every over-the-counter product I could find, until I went to the doctor and got a prescription on Epiduo, a 0.1% adapalene (will make your skin fall off faster and clear off pore blockage) and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide (acne bacteria-killer). This cream is about $200 in the US, I've heard, but you can get a note from your dermatologist to get it for about $30. This pretty much cleared my skin enough to use other products (Paula's Choice is the bomb. Check out her website).

Seems like it varies a lot from person to person. I've tried everything (literally everything available OTC or RX: salicyclic acid, sulfur, Proactiv, benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide at the same time as clindamycin, adapalene 0.1% and 0.3%, oral antibiotics ,assorted other oral and topical treatments) and the only thing so far to actually work for me is Accutane/Claravis. I'm hoping it actually has a result for me, unlike the others.