By WtfDidIPayYouForThen - 02/06/2013 10:53 - United States - Jacksonville
Same thing different taste
Skin care
By Username - 24/11/2010 01:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/05/2015 03:02 - United States - Springfield
By ultraattitude - 14/06/2012 19:34 - United States
By pizzaface - 27/07/2022 04:00 - United States - Denver
By chuffberry - 19/04/2016 13:39 - United States - Raleigh
By GhillieSuitsnBiscuits - 10/04/2016 20:53 - United States - Portland
The itch
By Oh man, it itches - 27/05/2023 11:00 - United States
By Disappointed - 04/10/2014 03:08
By Tingly - 16/08/2010 03:12 - United States
By PlagueFace - 17/07/2020 17:01
Top comments
Time for a new dermatologist...
For the record, cutting back on junk food and dairy products might help; the lactic acid in milk causes breakouts. As well, always remember the phrase "you are what you eat", since your skin replaces itself pretty much constantly (and uses nutrients from your food to build itself.) FYL, and I hope your condition gets better.
I would go see an allergy specialist. I had the painful cystic acne all over my face and back; turned out to be caused by a food allergy! I have clear skin now. Good luck!
Its tru tho. i went to one for years and getting control of your acne can take quite awhile. results will never be immediate if u want long lasting results anyway. a good tip tho, keep your face moisturized. It actually cuts down on the oil your skin produces to make up for the dry skin. and only wash your face when u wake up and scrub it before bed. Always add moisturizer after the meds tho.
As a teenager, I never had issues with pimples/acne, but as an adult I started to develop issues about a year and a half ago. It begin on the side of my face near my chin. I tried to relieve the issue with about every face wash you can buy at the drug store. I even tried to cease wearing makeup for about a month in hopes that would alleviate the issue even though it made me self conscious about my appearance. However, it continued to progress and eventually spread across my cheeks and became deep cystic acne. After a year of dealing with it, I decided to go to a dermatologist who prescribed me a combination of treatments. She suggested I take Bactrim twice a day (1 pill at a time), Aldactone twice a day (2 pills at a time), and use Differin (lotion) at night after washing my face. Within a month, I noticed a dramatic difference. In less than two months, I had no acne at all. I am currently weaning myself off of the aldactone since I have weaned myself off of the Bactrim. There is still some scaring, but it's slowly fading away. Therefore, please don't be so critical about "big pharma" everyone. It might take some time to figure out what works for you, but I can safely say I am very thankful!
Welcome to the life of most teenagers
People often get sick or break out in acne cuz u are over exposed chemicals. It could be something in food, air, water, anything really. Try changing stuff like ur food or makeup. ANYTHING u expose ur body to could be the cause. Your body is being overexposed and cant handle that much chemicals. Learned this in Chemistry at school today bitch! ;)
That was very unprofessional. Next time go to a very professional and caring dermatologist who knows what they're doing. But for now try looking up methods and see what works.
I love how people on here tell you to change your diet or use natural remedies. Anyone who has severe acne has already tried those, and it won't help people with severe acne. You need a new dermatologist. I had one that was okay, then when I moved to a new state where i got a really good one who figured out it was a hormone imbalance. I take birth control, an antibiotic, and a hormone blocker. Aside from acne scaring as long as I take these my skin is clear. What your going through is awful, and bad advice from people who don't have serious skin problems never helps. My acne without the medication is so deep in my skin that topical wont work. I tried everything for years and nothing helped until I started seeing good doctors. It sucks that at almost 24 I still need all of these medications but they have changed my life. I don't know what I would do without them.
YES! Most of these home remedies are actually aggravating acne. Most "natural" products contain ingredients that are irritating to the skin: Lavender oil, arnica, cottonseed oil, coriander oil, peppermint, witch hazel. Most of these are actually quite irritating to the skin, and some has been linked to celldeath. (!) You need medicin. Believe me, you do.
I've had moderate to severe acne for almost thirteen years, it never got any better until I cut all dairy and proccessed foods out of my diet. My skins completely clear now, just scarred.
And basically rape your wallet!
Unfortunately that's the way some medical conditions work. We don't really understand them well, so our best hope is to throw the kitchen sink at them and hope something works. Now if only there were a prescription to cure stupidity.