By WtfDidIPayYouForThen - 02/06/2013 10:53 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I asked my dermatologist why my acne has been getting worse, despite following her directions and spending hundreds of dollars on medicine. She just shrugged and told me they can't actually cure my acne. However, they can prescribe me a bunch of stuff and hope one works. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 228
You deserved it 5 559

Same thing different taste

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Unfortunately that's the way some medical conditions work. We don't really understand them well, so our best hope is to throw the kitchen sink at them and hope something works. Now if only there were a prescription to cure stupidity.


YDI for not doing your own research and waiting three years before asking the doc.

Idiot. Where did you get the "three years" from?

Apparently it was on one of the other comments and I didn't realize it. The point still stands, I never fill a prescription until I've looked it up for myself. Doctors may be well trained and smart but they're still fallible.

pwnman 33

There has been a grammatical/ or spelling error in this FML.

Google BBC series I want to change my body ( or something similar ). Girl with really bad acne got laser treatment and cleared right up. Thankfully for me the proactiv scrub works wonders ( I only use the scrub not their other stuff). Good luck!

Poppy8127 15

Try proactive or acne free. Use it day and night AND while you shower. Works for me.

For all the acne victims out there you really need to try accutane it really was a great expierence for me and completely got rid of my acne i do get the occasional pimple here and there but it is worth a shot if your struggling with it that bad ! It is a process to get accutane but speak to your derm about it

You need a new dermatologist. There are medications that will work - I've been on a combination of Spironolactone, Epiduo, and birth control and my acne has almost entirely cleared up. Be aware that it will take a few months, around 3 or 4, for you to see results, but if you have a good dermatologist they'll be able to find the solution for you.

There is a natural method which my sister and I always use is to get some garlic and thin slide them. Put that on your acne area for about 5-10 minutes keep on doing that it will help a lot... It will smell but it's worth a try.

I have acne bad as an adult.. Lucky me, but the one thing I found that works is 24,000 IU's of vitamin A. I have been taking this for years, however if you stop taking it, acne comes back. Just an idea, check with your doctor idk what if any other meds you take. Good luck!

It sounds to me like you've found an all-natural version of the commercial Accutane. Both vitamin A and Accutane operate by the same mechanism, so you've seem to be using a slightly less effective, but also less injurious, version of Accutane.

I use to be like that. Have you talked to her about Accutane? They only prescribe it in severe cases because it tries out your entire body and there can be some serious complications, but it gets rid of your acne for good if you take it right.

It actually does not always get rid of your acne for good. It didn't for me, and it didn't for a friend of mine either. Whether accutane works is a risk just as much as any other medical treatment, but accutane also has much more severe side effects.

You should try witch hazel toner! It smells terrible but works like a charm. Good luck (: