By Anonymous - 09/08/2013 14:54 - France

Today, I asked out a guy at work that I really like. He just stared at me and said, "Honestly? I'd rather smash my balls with a mallet. No offense." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 719
You deserved it 4 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fireashes250 16

What a douche. He could have said it nicer. You definitely dodged a bullet there OP.


a simple "no" would have sufficed. but really, don't overthink it OP..maybe he just likes to tenderise his sperm.

thatdangmexican 18

If that's what he wants, do it.

Then you should have smashed them for him. What a moron!!!!

Kinda hard not to take offense on that.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

when you offend & say no offends,, it doesn't make it better

of course it does, just saying no offense immediately removes any possibility of the other party taking offense. Didn't you know that?

If it has been translated from french to english, I can't think of anything that could be translated to 'no offence' other than "excuse me but I'd rather...", where we apologize for the offence. Op could also be working in an english-speaking environnement though.

dontgivafuk 9

you sir, with all due respect, are an asshole.

Might as well give the guy what he wants.

"I'm about to figuratively take the most wretched, hurtful, offensive-smelling turd all over your emotions and feelings of self-worth." "But no offence, of course."

That's true, but what's with all these guys who have no respect! That's why women always say there are no good men, and guys like you and the ass the Op dodged are perfect examples of that statement.