By smarty - 16/10/2009 21:02 - United States

Today, I bought a safe. I put all of my most prized possessions in it, including all of my jewelry, family heirlooms and important papers. Oh, and just before I locked it up, I put the key to the safe in there too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 615
You deserved it 50 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you need the key to lock it? If not, shouldn't you at least have a spare? At least now you can use it like those old fashioned piggy banks. Smash it! But in your case, you may need to use a diamond saw.



so it wouldnt be locked dumbass. you need a key to lock shit.

at least it's all safe in there!!!! :-)

Wow, you a dumbass. Just take the safe back to were you bought it, with the reciept or other proof of puchase, and they will open it for you. YDI

Ok, too all the people saying "you need the key to lock it", not necessarily. With some safes, as soon as you close the door, it relocks itself

wjz10595 0

Some people on this website need to hit up the ganjeez... U need to lay off

comeagain 0

Hahah. More like fail much? Moron.