By Anonymous - 26/02/2010 11:11 - Norway

Today, I bought Plan B for the first time. Not because I had unprotected sex, but to make the cashier think someone would actually sleep with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 826
You deserved it 43 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would the person at the pharmacy counter care whether or not you're having sex? Pathetic.

YDI for wasting $50 on someone who will forget about you seconds after leaving the store.


Kr3tS22 0

I would feel bad if u weren't so ugly 0_o yikes

Soo, let me get this straight. You think showing off that you have unprotected sex and having someone cum in you is cool? ydi,, non-****! haha

Ah well at least Plan B has a shelf life of up to four years, so just keep it handy.

strawberryswirl 0

The only thing the cashier could possibly think is that you're an idiot for not using reliable birth control.

I seriously doubt the cashier would give a shit about your sex life.

kitties_fml 12

What the ****? You must be messed up in so many ways to put that much effort and money into making some random stranger think you're having sex--like the cashier would care anyway. Get help.

jellyfishdelight 0

......And then you posted on FML so you could read everyone say what a loser you are. dude. Try to actually do something with your life

hdashdana 0

Do u see the cashier all the time??? if not, then who cares??!!! really, who cares in the first place??!!

niibee 0

special ed.... there are hookers