By lonelygirl - 17/08/2012 23:33 - United States - Circleville

Today, I bought the only cat on Earth that doesn't like chasing after a laser dot. Goodbye, hours of sick, sick entertainment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 071
You deserved it 27 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should give it catnip first, then try the laser pointer...


winnerme123 8

That totally sucks. I could make my cat chase a laser pointer for hours if I had the spare time. That is the laziest cat in the world.

Get a game system. Endless entertainment.

Get another cat to play with the other one. Cats love having a friend to play with.

#18, or will hate the other cat and fight. Either way, they'll keep busy.

18, I don't think that OP was as worried about that cat's entertainment as she was about her own.

You need a more powerful laser. Then she'll pay attention.

Well thats the cats personal preference, nothing you can do about that, but if you just bought him, he might still be getting used to his new surroundings, might be a few days before he plays and gets comfortable.

saIty 17

My cats a rapper. His name? Wiska Lifa

I have two cats that sing. Lady Paw Paw and Kitty Purry. I also have a dog who raps about 'YOLO'. I call him Homeless.

saIty 17

Perhaps our pets should make a song together. They'd be a hit on Youtube!

Nah, all my cats sing about are kissing other female cats and bad romances. And the dog is not allowed to talk. I'll do a verse or two, though! The world has yet to experience a singing chipmunk--OH WAIT

Rocky007 15

Take it back and exchange it for one that operates correctly.

I know (or at least, sincerely hope!) that you're joking, but that's really not funny. It's comments/attitudes like this which cause people to actually treat animals like they're machines that can be bought, sold, not taken care of, etc and nothing bad will happen because animals don't have feelings or rights. And that, in my opinion, is the absolute biggest problem this world has today. It's terrible. So please don't make comments like that about a living creature.

Vampyre - If you know it's a joke (and a decent one), why give him grief? It was not offensive in any way. If you really think people mistreating animals is the world's biggest problem, I have some REALLY bad news for you.

kiraleann 16

39 takes the internet wayyyyy too seriously.

#39, VV, I've never known a pet owner who didn't have that thought at one time or another. Or a parent, for that matter. Oh, yeah, and siblings and... well, you get the idea.

YDI for getting a cat in the first place. My dogs love laser pointers.

You need to get the the cat's Spazz-axle checked out. That's the organ that makes cats freak the **** out about weird stuff.

My cat, Bob, would only chase the laser for a minute then stop, unless it got by his rear end. He didn't like it by his butt. Bob also hated fish flavored anything and canned tuna. I miss him everyday.