By tumbleshay - 21/03/2015 01:32 - United States - Veneta

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend because I felt unappreciated. She found it appropriate to sarcastically say, "Oh no, how will I ever be able to open my jars?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 177
You deserved it 4 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Superglue them all shut and then see how much she needs you!

Steve95401 49

She will also miss your ability to reach things on the top shelf.


I'm sorry to hear that but at least you're able to find someone to make you happy. Did you at laugh when she said it? I mean, give the girl some credit. It is pretty funny.

If that's how she's gonna respond there's no doubt you made the right choice, OP. I wouldn't even stay friends with someone that uncaring.

if she only appreciated your "jar opening" capacity then she didn't deserve you. no big loss OP.

We could be best friends. When, a year and a half into our relationship my ex decided to move abroad and I thought it would be the right time to tell him that I loved him for the first time, his response was "now, you are exaggerating". Will find someone more worthy OP, I guarantee it.

how in the world did you go a year and a half without ever saying i love you?!? that's terrible, i guarantee you deserve better and i don't need to know you to say that!! Glad you said "ex"

It took me that long because he wasn't exactly the type of guy who talks about his feelings, and he never said it either, so I was a bit unsure. Anyway, I eventually broke up with him after realising that it was a pointless effort and I would never be a priority for him, and now I have been with a much better guy for three years so eventually things turned out nicely.

Yeah she didn't deserve you OP. Sorry to hear but you'll be able to find someone way better I'm sure of it.

I bet you felt like you made the right decision after that comment from her. You will find someone 100 times better.

usmc_sean 8

Seems like a childish thing to break up over,talk about it with her first. even though, she does sound like a bit of a bitch

The only thing childish here was the girlfriend's response. There is NOTHING childish about feeling unappreciated. It's a necessity in any relationship, whether or not it's romantic. Why waste your time on someone who makes you feel like your efforts don't matter?

Hopefully you will be in a better relationship where both of you can open each other's jars!