By tumbleshay - 21/03/2015 01:32 - United States - Veneta

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend because I felt unappreciated. She found it appropriate to sarcastically say, "Oh no, how will I ever be able to open my jars?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 174
You deserved it 4 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Superglue them all shut and then see how much she needs you!

Steve95401 49

She will also miss your ability to reach things on the top shelf.


That's when you hand her an elastic band and say well this could have been avoided all along. What a bitch FYL.

This is exactly how I feel. I have a boyfriend because I want one. Not because I need one. And I can open my own jars ;-)

I live in oregon and I have said this. sorry brah.

Am I the only one who likes to go through the comments and read all the down voted comments

I'm in that boat! Sometimes there is in FML within an FML just like those Russian faberge eggs

I do this too, mainly because i'm very curious about what comments were down voted into oblivion. Sometimes there are gems amongst the detritus.

FieldLeftBlank 20

To all of you commenting on what a bitch she is, what exactly would you say if you were the ones getting dumped? Beg perhaps?

All she did was validate his point. I'm sure he would be willing to continue the relationship if she appreciated him more. It sounds like she had it coming

Maybe they aren't right for each other, that doesn't really make her a bitch. This seems like something my brother would do and I'm sure people would laugh If he did

you're better off finding someone equally needy.