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Work out

By anon - 20/03/2015 21:43 - United States - Arlington

Today, I decided I would actually make use of my apartment complex's exercise equipment. My routine consisted of one mile on the treadmill, and 15 minutes on the toilet followed by 10 minutes of lying in the fetal position on my bath mat. Great core workout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 545
You deserved it 4 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's one mile more running than if you hadn't gone! Think positive!

Hey at least you ran a mile! Never give up!


Yeesh, if you keep doing that you might lose pounds indeed.

That's one mile more running than if you hadn't gone! Think positive!

alex_the_tiger 14

Gotta start somewhere, at least now it can only get better

the movement matters ...whether its bodily or a bowel.. hope you feel better and thumbs up for going to gym..don't quit...

At least you tried. And 1 mile is pretty good

Hey at least you ran a mile! Never give up!

Take it easy in the beginning! The best of us can get nauseous from pushing after we haven't done anything active in a while. Do quarters of miles and work up from there. Go slowly and stretch in between...keep hydrated but don't drink *too* much water. Remember to breathe. :) And maybe do simple aerobic gymnastics instead of constant jogging. Unless you're a cross country runner, constant jogging on a treadmill is pointless and it is v hard to lose weight that way, let alone build muscle tone (other than in the calves). Good luck :)

Yikes! Hope you feel better :) Also hope you find out exactly how one correlates to the other. Surely it couldn't have just been the treadmill?