By person - 10/06/2009 11:03 - United States

Today, I busted my ass to help this old lady move her stuff because she was going to a nursing home. I was told I would get paid. When I finished four hours later the lady took me to a room and told me to pick out anything in her little goody bag. I got a race car as payment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 389
You deserved it 9 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And there was absolutely no way you could turn this story to attract girls?


Aw, that poor old lady. If she was moving into a nursing home, and you (who weren't even related to her) had to help her, don't you think she was sad enough? Where's her family? She probably didn't have enough money to pay you anything.

#32/blue: Then she shouldn't have said "I WILL PAY YOU" OP: FYL @"You did a good deed, what's the problem?"s: Good deeds are great, no lie, but there's a difference between "I'll haul ass because I want to good a good deed today" and "I'll haul ass under the pretense of receiving some cashy money but this batty/crafty old woman ****** me over. Lucky me, by nature of being a batty/crafty old woman this fuckover happens to count as a good deed. Yeah, I'll just let it go; it's not important that if someone my age tried to pull this, they'd get stabbed in the face (or that I'm technically more needy than she is, having fewer assets and no pension or government assistance)."

Blacksabbath211 9

Actually the correct phrase is 'you're right' :P

"I'll pay you" where in that sentence did it say she'd pay money, OP just 'assumed' it'd be money.

You should have offered to help for free. ydi.

AdventureK 0

You could at least have appreciated what she COULD give you.

I'd like to see you when you need help moving to a nursing home!

ericavel 0

It's the thought that counts. Ungrateful prick. YDI

Ever heard of charity??? She thought she was being nice. You didn't even deserve a race car. You should've just done it because she needed help. Clearly she had no family to help her and probably no money.

SeaCoyote 0

Being old is no excuse for scamming someone into doing 4 hours of hard labor under a false agreement. That is fraud, any way you look at it. FYL. I would have taken that old hag to the people's court. And F you all who say he should have done it for free, we are all individuals and we do good deeds when we goddamn feel like it, without society's pressure to do so.

Shizden 0

Lmao. Anybody else find it funny that we've got so many Grammar Nazis and on other FMLs people tell them to go piss-off, but this guy made one spelling mistake and everyone is going, "Paid not payed," and everyone is trying to be a Spellcheck Nazi. Hypocrites Lol.

i wish the moderators would spell check or correct these before posting.