By assholedad - 21/06/2013 18:05 - United States - Dayton

Today, I came back from the doctor after having been diagnosed with a UTI. My dad now won't shut up about it, saying stuff like, "You must be 'pissed'", "Looks like 'urine' a bit of pain", and "'Urea'-lly need some antibiotics, son", all while making obnoxious finger quotes in the air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 218
You deserved it 5 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I dream that one day that will be me. Punning is an infectious humour; and one that is gaining tract-ion on this site.


Kristoffer 35

You oughtta tell him to piss off.

dmattimeoj 12

you posted on the wrong website if you dont like puns...

I have the oddest feeling that your dad just may be an FML regular.

Ugh, this sounds like something MY dad would do!!!!

Wait until he gets a kidney stone. See how funny he thinks these sort of things are then....

perdix 29

Isn't your dad due for a prostate exam and a colonoscopy? You should be a real asshole about making him go -- no ifs, ands or butts.

Your Dad has a great sense of humor. You just don't see it because it's against you.