By NO NO NO - 05/08/2013 21:42 - Netherlands - Den Haag

Today, I came home a little earlier than usual, only to walk in on my dad frantically trying to remove a ballgag from my mom's mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 534
You deserved it 5 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

untouchable763 10

Never gonna be able to delete that history. FYL.


IworkAt711 14


I commend you, #12. That was a joke I've always want to use, but never had the stones to.

**** the idiots who didn't get 12's FML satire. Though if they got the joke but just thought it sucked, that's a different matter.

edvin_fml 10

Also have you ever noticed how mostly everyone claims they're so funny and sarcastic on their profiles ? Yet it seems many can't properly identify sarcasm ... The 'ex dad' comment is brilliant!

A little bleach in the eyes should help you un-see that one, OP. But seriously, FYL.

sherbear23 13

A little bleach will also insure that the op will never see it again.

NSN82 13

This is why I'm afraid of frogs. Not because they're slimy or gross, but because I could easily squish one if I'm not careful.

Obey_StudBoii 23

How is any of OP's FML in reference to frogs lol? Wrong thread.

I know the FML your referring to. fyl though?

Yeah I can't believe that cat tricked the dog into smashing its face!

A memory you won't be able to forget.

sugarbaby9908 20

Dude, your parents rock!!! Ha

Your username seems more than appropriate for this situation. I'm so sorry you had to see that, OP. XD