By Peta2nNoMore - 04/07/2009 10:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home and found a few of my faux fur coats completely butchered. On my way to interrogate my boys, the only ones home, I found our husky dog, who was recently shaved for an operation, covered in the fur that once belonged to my coat. My boys said 'he was cold'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 10 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well yay for you for wearing faux instead of real!


you said only a few of your coats got wrecked so you have more you could wear instead....

ever heard of a babysitter they must've have pretty young if they thought that was a good idea ydi for leaving them home alone at such a young age

Just because they did that doesn't mean they're too young to be left home alone. They could be of any age and just stupid.

acro_actress95 0

She could have been next door talking to the neighbor and decided not to make them come along since she was so close to home anyways. You never know because on this site you never get the WHOLE story.

wow. how sad to have such stupid kids.

so_me_fml 0

Ha ha that's cute. Children + dogs = entertaining, often destructive combination :) at least it wasn't a real fur coat.

That's adorable! They were just trying to make the dog feel better. I don't think this is an FML at all.

gdude756 0

It was FAUX fur. Look it up in the dictionary.

hellojessi 0

It's FAUX you idiot. I wounder how many poeple clicked YDI because they were too ignorant to know that faux = FAKE.

whatacoolkid 0

you deserve it, number 21, cause you're an idiot. It's not real fur, so dont have a kid, ok? god, people these days, always finding an excuse to complain about something.....

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You're a ******* dumbass! Get an education and learn what faux is #22!


Really, shut up if you haven't read the FML. You're making yourself look even stupider by insulting the OP when you don't even have a ******* clue what FAUX fur is. Idiot. And yeah, look it up in the dictionary, dipshit!

Stiggy626 25

Sit your kids down and tell them about the nifty new invention they may not be aware of: BLANKETS.