By goldfish - 06/03/2012 02:47 - Canada

Today, I came home to an eviction notice after an apartment inspection. The reason? Having an unauthorized pet that could cause unnecessary damage to my suite. My pet is a goldfish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 151
You deserved it 3 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Magikarp uses splash! It was super effective

zingline89 18

Well, Nemo and his friends did make quite a mess of the dentist office when he tried to escape. Could happen.


Bludmagnus 13

"Eviction for a pet goldfish" is simply translated into... "I'm pulling a Mr. Roper from Three's Company, using this as an excuse to throw you out so I can put someone in I already have in mind who will pay at least 50% more for the same apartment."

they just wanted the excuse. probably got a better-paying client. you know how rent control goes

no one can say no to my pet plant, ha! lol. seriously, even in college dorms ive heard of hidden gerbils and stuff. fish isnt even rare if you listen to rumors - at least one tank in every building.

bubblybrooke 12

Your lease says no pets. Last time I checked, a goldfish is a pet. No matter how stupid you think the rule is, if you sign the lease saying no pets and you get a pet don't be upset when you get evicted.

Check your lease, should have been clearly stated. YDI in my opinion. What if the bowl gets knocked over and ***** the carpet.

butwhy 5

those bastards sank the Titanic.