By goldfish - 06/03/2012 02:47 - Canada

Today, I came home to an eviction notice after an apartment inspection. The reason? Having an unauthorized pet that could cause unnecessary damage to my suite. My pet is a goldfish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 151
You deserved it 3 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Magikarp uses splash! It was super effective

zingline89 18

Well, Nemo and his friends did make quite a mess of the dentist office when he tried to escape. Could happen.


I don't allow fish tanks in my apartments, they can cause serious damage if they get knocked over, you would be surprised the damage a gallon of water will do to a house

I have 4 rental units, can't imagine evicting anyone for having a freaking goldfish!!!

Phooka 5

I know the feeling, my apartment complex won't let us have fish either due to possible "water damage" /le sigh

Look at what's classified as a pet in the lease agreement

Move plug every drain and turn all the taps on and enjoy

Ambykins 6

Oh no! What if your goldfish bowl accidentally tips over and causes water damage? In that case, better not leave a pitcher of water sitting around your apartment, either! Plus, goldfish are so pesky! They shed too much, their poop stinks really bad, and UGH... That god awful noise they make can be so distracting to your neighbors! *sarcasm*

Here in canada you can have pets so long as they dont disturb others / cause damage. They cant stop you. A gold fish causes less damage then my kettle. Depending on where you live id fight it. Check your local laws.

innocent_enough 2

ummmmmm I bet the inspector got his ass handed to him by a goldfish so he can his my (censored)